Galleries > Film photography today.

I am currently using three large format cameras and two medium format. My most used field camera is a Zone VI wooden field camera. My latest addition is a Chamnoix 45f-2. I also have a Cambo Legend monorail. All are 4x5 format and they share five lenses: 90mm Nikor, 125mm Fujinon, 150mm Nikor, 210mm Caltar, and a 300mm Fujinon. My medium format at this time is a Pentax 67II with a 45mm, 55mm, 75mm, 105mm, 165mm LS, 200mm, and 300mm. In addition I sometimes use my Rolleiflex 2.8E. Over the years I have used many different models\types of cameras including large, medium, and 35mm format. Many of my earlier works were taken on a Bush Pressman Model D and Mamiya C330's. The Zone VI was the first "new" camera I have ever purchased (1995), the rest being used. During my early years (1972-1978) I shot a lot of 35mm film but, quickly made the conversion to larger negatives which better interpret what I am trying to capture with natural light.
